Imagine for a moment if you could completely freeze time.
What would you do? What if for a moment all stress in our world was released. The chaos and crashing boom of everyday life came to a complete halt. The pressure pushing in on you from our life's monotony was lifted. What if you could breathe? The tension and weight collapsing in from the world. The pattern that forces you into everything you do. What if for a moment you could break free? What if the sweet, relieving air could pour into your lungs and rejuvenate your life? The arms binding you and slowly suffocating your free would suddenly spring free. You could find euphoria in the relief of complete silence. It would be like being born over again into a world of total isolation.
Isolation. What is that? Would it actually be PLEASANT to be completely cut off from the world for a day? Myself, an extrovert, find pleasure in daily interaction with my fellow humans, but there is no denying that I would love to escape for a day. We are all caught into a system, a set way of life. A pattern. Something impossible to defect from unless you "pulled a Tarzan". We are forced into the social standards of our mass media, forced to be perfect in the eyes of an imperfect beholder. But what if you brought that all to a halt? You would be totally alone. Just a day with yourself, a day to observe, a day to reflect upon your own flaws and attributes. You could catch your breath with the pressure and force of day to day life lifted off of you. Maybe you would notice something you had never seen before. Maybe that girl across the street looks really cute when frozen in space. Maybe you could save a life of a man about to trip down the stairs. Maybe you could taunt Niagra Falls by walking through it's still waters. Whatever you choose, it would be immensely refreshing to engage in such an activity.
If we could slow this movement for just one second and stand alone, what would we see?
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